They were so much fun! One was thrown by my was a dinner/couples shower. They put a lot of thought into it and everything was perfect! The other shower was in Alexandria. It was thrown by some women from the church I grew up in. It was great! Lots of great gifts!
I only have about 5 weeks left!!!
The only complaint I have is swollen feet...lets just say that I'm glad it's cold outside so I can cover up my ugly swollen ankles with pants and don't have to wear skirts or capris. '
We put our stroller and carseat together last night! It kinda makes everything real now. We are so excited and can't wait for Carter to get here!!!!
Here are the great girls who threw me the shower!!
The cake at the shower!! so cute
The last time leighton and i will be at my parents house WITHOUT a baby! so we took a pic.
Cute burp cloths at my second baby shower.